Sunday, December 13, 2009

Coming out of the Box

So this is new for me. I've been writing in a journal since I was 12 but to post my thoughts on-line is something very new and scary for me. One of the last things my pastor said to me before I moved back to Baltimore was that it was time for me to come out of the box. (I tend to keep to myself. LOL!) So, this is me, coming out of the box...

I am an actress born and raised in Baltimore, Maryland. However, I prefer the term artist or performer because I don't just act, I write, direct, and sometimes, produce as well. Speaking of producing, I will be producing my one-woman show called, "Charmed, I'm Sure!" this March. I definitely need Bmore to come out and support. This will be-Hopefully- the first of many theatrical productions that I will produce in Baltimore. The show is about my life experiences growing up in Baltimore and living the college life in Los Angeles. So, you know, its going to be funny, right? More info. on the show as time approaches. In the meantime, I will continue to write a blog atleast once a week about my progress.

But yes, like so many artists before me, I went off to Los Angeles, California in order to pursue a career in entertainment. I enrolled into the University of Southern California and eventually pursued a theatre degree. After receiving a theatre degree from USC, I tried to get an agent but was turned down often because I had little "experience" or wasn't much "competition" to other actors who've already been in the market. To hear those words really made me question my whole reason for going to college and getting a degree instead of waiting on tables like the average actor. But for me, going to college was the best thing that I could have done for myself as an artist, for it was at USC that I discovered my potential to write, direct, and produce. "Charmed, I'm Sure" was created and showcased during my junior year in college at the same time I was directing August Wilson's "Fences". My wonderful colleague/actress' father loved my one-woman show and the solo shows of my peers so much that he was going to produce them; however, things fell through. So now, I'm producing my show for myself here in Baltimore, Maryland!

To have the students and the USC community laughing and crying at my works is an amazing feeling. I hope that I could experience it again here in Baltimore. It is my prayer that Bmore will welcome me back with open arms. And as for L.A.? Well, L.A. just isn't ready for this!

It may not mean nothing to ya'll
But understand nothing was done for me
So I don't plan on stopping at all
I want this-forever man!!!!



(Pronounced: Own-Yee)